Monday, July 5, 2021

Art Update - Where did "Painterly Comments" go?

I've moved!

The blog "Painterly Comments" moved to another platform.

Visit what's new with Jo M. Orise art at the following webpage:

Visit and leave a comment.

Thank you for your interest and support.

Jo M. Orise
Artist, Writer and Poet

"Smile in your mirror every day." JM Orise

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Art Update: Aug. 16 – Sept. 14, 2019

"Wild Things"

Nature Speaks – Endurance, by: Jo M. Orise – oil on canvas, gallery wrap 18×24″

Art Opening and Reception

Where: River Arts Gallery, Route 1, Damariscotta, ME
When:  Opening reception: August 16 –  5 to 7 pm
Public view and purchase: August 16 – September 14, 2019
Hours:  Tuesday – Saturday 10 – 4 pm
Sunday 110-03 pm
Contact: 207-563-1507
Having submitted an artwork to be juried for the “Wild Things” show, I learned 208 paintings were submitted, and 80 were selected by the jurying process.
I was one of the lucky 80! That sounds like the title of a book or at least a movie.
I am so pleased. So many paintings. And a theme show to boot!
usually avoided “Theme” shows—until this year. I was accepted at the last show and now this show. Two theme shows in a row! How great is that?
Why do I avoid “Themes”? Well…my brain doesn’t work that way. Suggest a theme, my mind is blank.
I literally interpret the message…then it gets complicated in my little head. It feels like I don’t fit in my head. Nor do I fit in the group who is part the whole event.
They get it. I don’t.
My examples draw a lot of blank stares and gaping mouths.
I go home and have coffee. I stare at my easel. Whiteness. That is what I see. Well, lately it is grayness—I tint my canvas prior to painting. Gray can make paint “zing” or can depress you. Like sitting in a little corner asking “why don’t I think that way?”
But this time, upon examining available paintings hanging in my studio, I forced myself to think beyond the painted subject. It worked—twice in two months!
However, I fear my time as a theme painter is limited.
But then…

Join us.

Have a glass of wine, a few goodies and let’s chat about art—everyone’s art. Most participating artists attend the opening.
We artists will be happy to speak with anyone interested in art.
Give a holler, leave a comment and a like.
Share this post.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Art Update - Aldermere Art Show, August 10 - 11, 2019

"Marshall Point Light", oil on canvas. By: Jo M.Orise

Aldermere Farm, 20 Russell Ave, Rockport, ME
Saturday, August 10 from 9 am to 4 pm
Sunday, August 11 from 11 am to 2 pm

Visit this link for information about Aldermere's upcoming art show this weekend.

I will be part of the show.

My work consists of 10 framed paintings and 15 prints in an art bin.

Tuesday and Wednesday combined, I spent 13 hours hanging artwork for the artists who dropped off their entries. Each artist is entitled to display the same 15 pieces.

So, if we have 20-50 artists...that is a lot of artwork.

Believe me, I was totally exhausted this year.

Been hanging the show for the last 5 years. The first year I assisted two people in a frenzie to hang all work in two days. I suggested a hanging committee for next year and volunteers. So, I became the "hanging committee" with no volunteers. I did 90% of the work. One artist and her husband asked if I needed help on the last day. YES!

Over the years, at my urging, other artists volunteer when possible. This year, we even had non-artists volunteer. And I am so grateful for all these people who share in the commitment with the love of art in their hearts.

Volunteering not only provides camaraderie, but an understanding of how hard Joelle Alsbury, the coordinator, works at setting up a fine art show for the public and the non-profit Maine Coast Heritage Trust.

Become a member or volunteer. Join the fun.

Come to the show. I'd love to meet you.


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Honorable Mention Award – Maine Lobster Festival 2019

Wow! I am excited. 

Last year I earned two awards.

This year, I received the “Honorable Mention Award” for the painting “Morning at the Docks”.
Sunrise at the Docks - Port Clyde2019bsmall-72dpi
Morning at the Docks, by: Jo M. Orise
Looking at it, I remember its creation.
I began with a photograph I had taken of the Port Clyde, Maine dock. 
I was, at the time, interested in sunrises and sunsets. How best to represent them. On the ocean seemed best—all that reflection and color glow.
Having gotten married on a schooner, I became smitten with a love for tall ships.
Here I imposed, for my personal pleasure, a schooner in the distance, waiting for morning to be off into the sunrise. But then, why not two ships? They often anchor in a harbor together. Why not in my little harbor scene?
Now we had two schooners.
Then I thought, there’s room for one more alongside those little boats waiting for the fishermen and captains of ships who slept ashore with their loved ones.
Three schooners now lie in wait in the harbor at Port Clyde. The dock depicts fishermen, having arrived from shore and from the sea, beginning the day’s work. Young men, older men, young women, older women, all beguiled by the sea.
The gulls greet the day, announcing a new beginning.
Life on the sea begins anew with the rising sun.
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Love to hear from you.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Maine Lobster Festival

Two of my paintings will be displayed at the Maine Lobster Fair Juried Art Show!
I am so happy to have begun my association with the Festival. It is next door in Rockland. Easy access for me and I get to meet more of my artist community members. All the artists I’ve met since moving to Owls Head have been so friendly and happy to share their knowledge and experiences.

sunset at curtis light2019b72dpi
Sunset at Curtis Light, by: Jo M. Orise

Here are the two paintings that will be part of the show.
Be sure, if you go to the Lobster Festival, to stop in at the Camden National Bank, on the corner of Main Street and Route 1.

Sunrise at the Docks - Port Clyde2019bsmall-72dpi
Morning at the Docks, by: Jo M. Orise

  • The art will be on display starting Tuesday, July 29 through  Saturday August 3

NOTE: Photos look very brilliant. I am not a great photographer. But the original paintings look great. Come take a look see. Let me know what you think.
Like and leave a comment. 
Love to hear from you.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Art Update - July 12 to August 10, 2019

Jo's New Event
Group Art Show Opening

THEME: Night and Day - artist's interpretation

WHERE: River Arts Gallery, Route 1, Damariscotta, ME
                                  On the right going North on Route 1

WHEN: Friday, July 12, 2019

TIME: 5 - 7 p.m.

Join us.

Have a glass of wine, a few goodies and lets chat about art—everyone's art. All artists participating usually attend the opening.
We artists will be happy to speak with anyone interested in art. 
Why not?
We spend most of our time sequestered to a studio, staring at a blank piece of paper, canvas, block of malleable material, etc., entrancing music in the background.
Thougts of food, lunch, dinner, breakfast slip by without a hitch until Hubby comes in.
"Have your decided what we'll have for:

 A. breakfast 

B. lunch 

C. dinner 

D. other?

A daily multiple-choice for which I sometimes earn a gold star.

For those who can't make the opening, the artwork will be on display July 12 until August 10, 2019. So come then and bring family and friends.

For more information, call the gallery 207-563-1507 or visit

River Arts Gallery, Damariscotta, ME

Regular Gallery Hours: 
Tuesdays - Saturdays 10 - 4 pm
Sundays 11 - 3 pm

What will we show? Well, I submitted three paintings to be juried. That is the stressful part. Will they be accepted? One? All three? Maybe—none?

Here are the pieces I submitted:
Morning Watch - oil on canvas - by: Jo M. Orise
Morning at the Dock - Port Clyde
- acrylic on canvas - by: Jo M. Orise
Eventide - oil on canvas - by: Jo M. Orise

If you are intersted in any of these pieces or other works from my studio,, send a message to

Note: If the artwork is at the show, you can purchase directly through the River Arts Gallery.

Like, post a comment, and share.

Thank you.

Jo M. Orise
"Smile in your mirror every day." JM Orise

Friday, June 28, 2019

Jo M. Orise Art Update - July 13 to October 26, 2019

Adult drawing class, beginner to intermediate with Jo M. Orise

Graphite pencil drawing study
by Jo M. Orise
Orise Studio Gallery, Owls Head. Limited space.

Consecutive Saturdays until October. Choose your sequence of Saturdays.
No holiday weekends.


Fee: $25 per session, paid in advance.
Cash preferred. 
*Credit cards accepted with .01% processing
   fee per charge. ($25+ .25=$25.25).
Discount available.

What to bring:
sketch drawing board

1. One (1) 14x17" or larger Newsprint Drawing Pad.

2. One (1) sketch drawing board larger than your paper. 
  • You can purchase one locally or online.
  • You can make your own with Masonite, with or without clips. 
  • If you don't find a board, or don't want to purchase one, I will loan one for the session. Let me know ahead of time so I don't run out.

3. One (1) 8.5x11" or 9x12" spiral bound sketch book, either 70 or 80 lb weight, smooth paper ACID FREE paper. (If you create a successful drawing, Acid Free paper will provide a longer lasting artwork to frame. Do not use typing or photocopy paper.
Faber Castell drawing pencils

4.  One (1) each: hb, 2b, 4b, and 6b Faber Castell pencils or similar artist  brand.

NOTE: h= hardness, and b=blackness.
The higher the h value, the harder the graphite,
resulting in a lighter, less intense mark.

The higher the b value, the softer the graphite,
resulting in darker, more intense mark.

5. One (1) kneaded rubber eraser. 

6. A pencil sharpener.

7. A pencil pouch or box to protect and control tools. Pencils are known to roll into cracks; fall out a window; slip off a twelfth story porch; blow off the side of a boat... Need I go on?

Come to learn, or come to improve your skills.

Reserve your space!

Contact Jo M. Orise for directions.
cell: 719-440-4449

"Smile in your mirror every day." JMOrise

    Tuesday, June 4, 2019

    Jo M. Orise Art Update - June 2019

    Jo's New Event

    Group art opening this week.

    WHERE: River Arts Gallery, Route 1, Damariscotta, ME.
                     On the North side of route 1. Can't miss it.

    WHEN: Friday, June 7, 2019

    TIME: 5-7 p.m.

    The opening will have hors d'oeuvres, refreshments and wine.

    River Arts Gallery building.

    Regular Gallery Hours:
    Tuesdays - Saturdays 10-4, Sundays 11-3

    This is my sixth year with the group. Shouldn't there be a celbration here for me? 😉

    Join us. Have fun. Chat with the artists and art lovers. Look at the artwork. Bring one or more home.

    Return to Port by Rockland Light, by: Jo M. Orise
    Return to Port by Rockland Light, an oil painting, took several weeks to complete. I love schooners and actually live near Rockland Light, visible from my studio.

    It is 12x16" oil on canvas, framed.

    There are mountains beyond from this view. Seagulls roam from Rockland Light to our home, searching for another serving of whatever they can swallow, all the while crying out, "Mine! Mine!"

    Or are they saying "Maine?"

    If  you are interested in this artwork or any other works from my studio, send me a message at

    Like and post a comment.

    Thanks, Jo
    "Smile in your mirror every day." JM Orise

    Saturday, May 25, 2019

    Jo M. Orise Art Update - May - June 2019

    Three things...kind of a late update. Sorry folks.

    We returned from our winter sojourn and my studio needed to be reorganized. Again.

    We moved in after finally selling our NH home. That was three years ago? Time does fly. Maybe it was two. No matter, I dreaded cleaning it out.

    Emptied a pile of packed boxes marked Jo's Studio. I should have given them to Good Will or a school teacher.

    Yes, the studio is now clear of the clutter. It just so happens the kitchen is just outside my studio doors. Can you guess where my clutter of boxes marked Jo's Studio are? You got it—in the kitchen.

    WHO CARES about my boxes? I do.

    Because I am opening my studio for the 2019 Scene About season. Tomorrow!

    Come by. Say hello. Let me know how you like the bigger and neater studio.
    Oh, and you can comment on my artwork too.

    Maybe you need one for that empty space on your wall in the bedroom, living room, kitchen and don't forget the bathroom. How about the new garage...perk it up a bit.

    Hours: Friday and Saturday 12:30 - 4 p.m. and Sundays 10 - 4 p.m.
    Otherwise it is by appointment or perchance.

    Monument Builders of North America
    Now these hours are not etched in stone...some days I may have to close early or not open for different reasons, like conflicting hours for shows and family matters.

    Meanwhile, I'll keep painting and writing. I'll keep you posted.

    I will be participating in the 17th Annual Festival of Art May 30 - June 2. See poster below.

    May 31, 12:30 - 4 p.m., I am hosting an Art 2019 Scene About Opening at my Orise Studio-Gallery here: 312 North Shore Drive, Owls Head, ME. 

    Come visit, bring a friend. I will have a few refreshments and a guest book sign in. Hope to see you here. I will most likely be nervous...since it is my very first official opening.

    Should I invite the governor?

    Don't laugh. I belonged to the Artist Guild of the Kennebunks. Our first art opening in Kennebunkport, Maine included an invitation to the President and the First Lady. Mrs. Barbara Bush arrived with several Secret Service men and her secretary. The First Lady was so gracious. She admired every painting on display. I will never forget that experience. 

    Leave a comment.  I'll be happy to hear from you.

    Jo M. Orise
    "Smile in your mirror every day." JM Orise

    Wednesday, March 13, 2019

    Jo M. Orise Art Update - March 2019

    The Pearl
    by: Jo M. Orise

    Paintings created this past year. 

    Let me know what you think.
    Leave a comment.

    I've been busy editing manuscripts but decided it was time to update my art website:

    Source: This lady was a great model. Having sketched her from life, I spent weeks finishing up from a photograph. Took most of the summer, but I enjoyed every moment.

    Although portraits are a challenge, I love every minute of it.

    Shipmate Sarah
    by: Jo M. Orise

    Source: Photos and sketches of the cook taken in the wee morning hours, in the darkened galley, below deck, when last we sailed the Schooner Mercantile in Penopscot Bay, Camden, ME.

    Sarah was a terrific cook. You must take a sail on one of Penobscot Bay's Schooners. Perhaps Sarah will be your chef.

    Fishing Boat at Low Tide

    Source: Penobscot Bay, at the beach. I combined the fishing boat with the low tide at Birch Point Beach. There the clouds are lovely to watch.
    The boats and clouds sit, waiting for the tide to rush in.

    Source: Penobscot Bay, at the islands. This represents my memory, after visiting Monhegan Island, watching sailboats navigate around the bend, returning to the mainland at Port Clyde.

    Leave a comment.

    Saturday, March 2, 2019

    Now You See Me, Now You Don't. - Is That a Good Sign?

    I did some major maintenance work on my websites:
    Is your sign distinctive?
    All that behind the scene techie stuff.

    NOTE: to be updated soon with new work. 
    Keep on the lookout.

    A little history about my websites:
    Orise Designs originated in 1988.
    I purchased the domain and created the website around 1996.
    • The hosting site was and still is
    • NO advertising, ever! A clean site for just me
    Years later, I decided I needed a domain because I signed my artwork that way. Luckily, the domain name was available! Yes!


    Signage is important.

    Choose a domain name - carefully. 
    Cutsie does not work...get over it.

    Simplicity is clarity.
    If you have a business or hobby, and sign your work, keep it simple. Purchase a domain name that is YOU. 

    Purchase the domain if that is your name. 

    If is already floating out on the Internet, how about 

    More complicated than that discourages clients from seeking you out on the Internet.

    If you sign your work differently, use that same signature. Perhaps your initials and last name, or just your last name, etc. Be creative.

    For a professional appearance, you need:
    1.  a logo - an easily recognized graphic or a photo
    2.  a font - fancy, easy to read (careful on the fancy...don't forget the cutsie advice)
    3.  NO all-caps - There are many beautiful fonts today. Use that for your name. A serif or fancy font. Use simple blocky, sans serif, for the rest of your wording. 
    4.  especially NO Gothic-all-caps 
    5.  a nice layout with  white space (empty areas) for easy reading.

    Place logo and layout with fonts on all communication media. Stick to your design. Constant change confuses and discourages potential clients.

    Where will you hang your sign? Does it "blend in" and disappear? Or is it distinctive? If so, how much space between it and another sign of distinction? 

    Does your signage blend in. . .too much?
    Look at the whole display and where displayed. What clientele do you want to attract? 

    Seek out examples in your area. Compare your signage with theirs. That includes the building sign, business cards, postcards, statements, receipts, banners, letterheads, packaging, and more.

    If you are stuck, talk to a business owner. Compliment them on their choice of signage and ask how or who designed it for them. Who created the finished product. If you are computer and software savvy, you can do it yourself. A great many of us who are artistic can do a terrific job in creating our product, and stink at designing signage. Simplicity, clarity, easy to read. That is the aim. 
    Good luck. 
    Readable drive-by? Keep it simple big and bold. 
    When I drive by, I hope to see your sign and be able to read it at 35 mph or more. Size and simplicity will do that for you.

    Be recognized.

    Communicate you are serious about your work, time, presentation, and your product. That is communicated by your sign. 

    "Smile in your mirror every day. :-)"  J.M. Orise

    Sunday, September 9, 2018

    Does anybody know?

    Does anyone  know where and how to reach the man who makes these wooden, left over oil paint boxes for artists?


    Please leave comments below.

    Thank you for your time.

    Monday, August 6, 2018

    My next show this Weekend. 

    The Aldermere Art Show and Sale in Rockport, Maine.

    Saturday August 11, 9-4 PM & Sunday August 12, 11-2 PM

    You are invited!

    I will display ten original, framed artworks and fifteen matted prints.

    Here are a few pieces I will display at the show.

    Belties with Clouds
    Original Watercolor
    by: Jo M. Orise

    Beltie Stroll
    by: Jo M. Orise

    Fisherman's Gear
    Watercolor print
    by: Jo M. Orise 
    For more information about my work, go to my website:

    Click this link for more info about Aldermere's show. 

    At the show will be a display of over 200 framed hanging paintings plus hundreds of prints of belted galloways and scenic Maine coast settings by local artists.

    Hope to see you there.

    Please, share, like and leave a comment.


    Sunday, August 5, 2018

    My Muse Drinks Coffee

    Promoting yourself with words is a creative process as is art. Your goal: people will find, read and remember you.

    Important too: the writer remembers what was written!

    A couple visited my studio early this morning. After reviewing some of my work and chatting with the woman, also an artist, about her art work and what she hoped to learn and master, she and her partner then smiled, both acknowledging a quote, 

    "My muse drinks coffee." They nodded as if that is truly what was part of my creative process.

    "Where did you read that?"

    "On your blog."

    "Really. Are you sure?"

    They looked a little confused. "Yes."

    "Oh. Perhaps. 
    I write so many things, I may have forgotten."

    <a style="background-color:black;color:white;text-decoration:none;padding:4px 6px;font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "San Francisco", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Ubuntu, Roboto, Noto, "Segoe UI", Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;line-height:1.2;display:inline-block;border-radius:3px" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Download free do whatever you want high-resolution photos from mari lezhava"><span style="display:inline-block;padding:2px 3px"><svg xmlns="" style="height:12px;width:auto;position:relative;vertical-align:middle;top:-1px;fill:white" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><title>unsplash-logo</title><path d="M20.8 18.1c0 2.7-2.2 4.8-4.8 4.8s-4.8-2.1-4.8-4.8c0-2.7 2.2-4.8 4.8-4.8 2.7.1 4.8 2.2 4.8 4.8zm11.2-7.4v14.9c0 2.3-1.9 4.3-4.3 4.3h-23.4c-2.4 0-4.3-1.9-4.3-4.3v-15c0-2.3 1.9-4.3 4.3-4.3h3.7l.8-2.3c.4-1.1 1.7-2 2.9-2h8.6c1.2 0 2.5.9 2.9 2l.8 2.4h3.7c2.4 0 4.3 1.9 4.3 4.3zm-8.6 7.5c0-4.1-3.3-7.5-7.5-7.5-4.1 0-7.5 3.4-7.5 7.5s3.3 7.5 7.5 7.5c4.2-.1 7.5-3.4 7.5-7.5z"></path></svg></span><span style="display:inline-block;padding:2px 3px">mari lezhava</span></a>
    Photo by: mari lezhava

    After the couple left, I went to my art blog and queried: "My muse drinks coffee."



    Shorten the query. 


    Examine the site more closely.

    Ahh! Here it is. Part of a description of Jo M. Orise, the artist, on my blogger's home page: Painterly Comments.

    What about Jo?

    My photo
    Maine, Florida, United States
    Welcome back. Click on the blog link below to see what's up on Painterly Comments blog. I paint. I write. Love it. Ain't it great to do what you love? My muse drinks coffee—I will never stop creating.

    How would I forget that? That is who I am. And I do drink coffee which obviously now affects my muse more than it affects me.

    I sit down to one more cup. Black. As usual. Hopefully, enough to stir up those sleepy, little grey cells.

    Leave a comment.


    Saturday, August 4, 2018

    Jo M. Orise - Art Update - August 2018 - 2 Awards!

    71st Maine Lobster Festival Open Juried Art Show.

    Sponsored by Camden National Bank, Rockland, ME

    Woo Hoo! August 2, 2018 I was awarded two ribbons for my entries at the art show.

    3rd Place ribbon
    "Entering Deep Cove on the Maine Coast"  by Jo M. Orise
    18x24" oil on canvas, framed 

    Honorable Mention ribbon
    "The Grace Bailey Anchored at Curtis Light"  by Jo M. Orise
    24x18" oil on canvas, framed 

    I've come close, so I have been told, earlier in my art career. So this is great to be recognized for two painting in one show. Thank you jurors. It feels great!

    View the paintings at my virtual studio 


    visit Orise Studio-Gallery here in Owls Head, Maine.

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